Case Studies

Here are two examples of what Soul-Proprietors have used this program to create as they have built their coaching practices.

Creating the profession of Medical Coaching - Dr. Sue Gleeson

I am a doctor in a family medicine practice in Ontario, Canada. When I took the CCC in September 2002, I had begun to long for something more from the practice of medicine. I was weary of observing the relentless progression of chronic diseases like morbid obesity, drug addiction and autoimmune disease. I had a deep sense that more could be done to affect the course of these diseases positively but I could not grasp what it could be.

At the CCC and Balance courses, L.A. Reding described a teleclass program that she and Clive Prout were leading, called Soul- Proprietor. Participants would learn how to create their practices from a place of soul and service, not from a business or advertising model. This appealed to me greatly and I signed up for the course. The first session was very challenging for me, as we were told that service pays, and that service begins with gratitude. I would have said that service costs, and that service begins with obligation. Read more....

Growing my practice by "Living from Passion and Purpose" - Natalie Matushenko

I was drawn to the Soul-Proprietor program because traditional marketing practices fill me with dread. Marketing my services was a chore and a bore and I was yearning for something different. I have long held the belief that as I get clearer on the path I am meant to follow, doors open and the Universe (my spiritual concept) naturally supports what is for my highest good. Yet, out of fear, I continued with marketing practices that did not feel natural and congruent with my beliefs and values. So when I learned about the Soul-Proprietor program six months ago, I knew that it held the clues to what I needed. Read more...